Ten years experience acting as a legal representative of the Greek State in family law cases
Our office has very high experience in legal issues concerning international family law cases, as Mr. Alcibiades Chatzantonis is an author of the International Family Law Code in Greece.
As in the year 2007, Greece demonstrated patterns of noncompliance with respect to judicial performance during the 2008 reporting period. These patterns of judicial noncompliance arise from procedural complexities and hindrances in Greek law. Respondent taking parents often influence the judicial timeline refusing to cooperate with summons and orders. Lenghty appeals processes further prolong cases. These significant delays in Convention proceedings continue to be the Department's main concern. The Hague Permanent Bureau's Guide to Good Practice states that parties' obligation to process return applications expeditiously also extends to appeal procedures.
In addition, the Greek judiciary frequently denies requests for return under the Convention by finding that there would be a grave risk of physical or psychological harm for the child if returned, or that return would otherwise place the child in an "intolerable situation." See Convention, art. 13 (b) (setting forth this exception). Such findings may suggest that Greek courts place undue emphasis on the "best interests" of the child.